"There is a risk any time we venture into the unknown whenever we are compelled for whatever reason to push away the safety of the familiar, of family and home. And there is the notion that this impulse is indeed for the best . . . that whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger."
Just got back from an epic vagabondage and now armed with heaps of snaps, sunrises, and stories to share!
Let me start by telling all of you how I just had the most adventure-packed week. I was legitimately stranded on an island due to a storm. But it was a sweet sort of "strandedness".
See, I've always fantasised about getting shipwrecked, swimming to shore, mastering how to desalinate seawater, building a little hut in the middle of nowhere, starting my own civilisation, and possibly befriending a volleyball. Well, none of those things actually happened. But my experience was the closest thing to those Shipwrecked/Cast Away scenarios I've been dreaming of and I was so, so lucky I got stuck with the right globetrotters.
Anyway, you'll hear more of my peripatetic tales soon. Have a fantastic week, long live Violence Using Bread, and hope you watch out for my future posts! Cheers!