2015 © Dana Valencia
11:11am. Sitting on the edge of a rock about 260 ft high, overlooking the whole city, as if I were a more seasoned, wiser and more compassionate version of myself at the mountaintop of life, looking down and watching as the younger minded, current version of me hacks my way through life.
I see myself holding on to false beliefs and making epic errors of judgment as I maneuver through life's many obstacles, growing up in challenging times that test my sense of self-confidence, yet pushing forward bravely, and learning through my mistakes.
And I wonder: Would this wiser version of myself conclude that everyone in their own unique way was doing their very best. And if everyone is trying to do their best, what needs to be forgiven? Not being perfect?
Perfection doesn't exist. Forgiveness is oftentimes the simple realisation that there is nothing that actually needs to be forgiven.