Tuesday, April 12

D is for Different

2015 © Dana Valencia

The girl's always different from anyone. She didn't strive to be different; she just came out that way. Because she's got something—this uniqueness that most people don't seem to comprehend. She wasn't particularly a misfit; she just doesn't live to please or be accepted by people. She said when you're aiming for people to like you, you lose your uniqueness, and, therefore, your excellence.

Dare to be different.

Wednesday, March 2

At the Mountaintop of Life . . .

2015 © Dana Valencia

11:11am. Sitting on the edge of a rock about 260 ft high, overlooking the whole city, as if I were a more seasoned, wiser and more compassionate version of myself at the mountaintop of life, looking down and watching as the younger minded, current version of me hacks my way through life.

I see myself holding on to false beliefs and making epic errors of judgment as I maneuver through life's many obstacles, growing up in challenging times that test my sense of self-confidence, yet pushing forward bravely, and learning through my mistakes.

And I wonder: Would this wiser version of myself conclude that everyone in their own unique way was doing their very best. And if everyone is trying to do their best, what needs to be forgiven? Not being perfect?

Perfection doesn't exist. Forgiveness is oftentimes the simple realisation that there is nothing that actually needs to be forgiven.

Friday, February 5


The string of blue bells tinkled on the café door that windy February night. I hastily stood from my chair, slung my bag over my shoulder, and rushed for the door. Dazedly walking along the crowded sidewalk, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped short and pivoted around.

It was you.

I looked at you blankly. "Yes?"

You stayed silent, just stood there staring at me. Something like distress flickered in your chocolate brown eyes.

"Yes?" I repeated with raised brows.

When again you didn't reply, I shrugged, whirled around and started down the sidewalk again. Without another word or a backward glance. You didn't stop me. So I just kept walking and walking away.

2016 © Dana Eve Valencia

Sunday, January 10


2016 © Dana Eve Valencia

If there's something I've learned over the past few years, it's that building a lasting friendship is not easy. However, if you are authentic, and are willing to open yourself up to others and take the time to invest in friendships, you will most likely find an awesome system of lads and ladies who will meet a number of your needs and make you feel included even though you're used to flying solo. They may be your lifelines one day, and you may be one for them.